• Services
  • Management consulting Support System Service

Management consulting Support System Service

The Management consulting Support System (McSS) is a tool for the diagnosis of the financial conditions of clients' SMEs. The concept of the McSS is "easy understanding and manipulation", which improves communication with client SMEs.

The McSS evaluates the financial statements of client SMEs using CRD Model(for corporations), which is the scoring model used by the public guarantee corporations to determine guarantee rates. Moreover, the McSS evaluates the current conditions of SME clients by comparing them with average firms in the CRD, which contains data of more than 1 million SMEs.

In addition, if the expected main cash flow items (for example, expected sales and cost of goods) are included in the McSS, predicted financial statements up to 10 years in the future can be estimated. Simulations that compare current and predicted financial conditions can be run.

There are two versions of the McSS: McSS_Simple and McSS_Simulation. McSS_Simple is designed to diagnose the current financial conditions of SMEs. McSS_Simulation is designed to both diagnose and forecast the financial conditions of SMEs.

McSS_Simple: diagnosis of current financial conditions

Figure: Screen image of "McSS report on diagnosis for management"

The above images were obtained from McSS_Simple using demo data.
  • McSS_Simple evaluates the financial conditions of client SMEs using CRD Model (for corporations) and shows their relative creditworthiness using SME data accumulated in CRD for all regions in Japan. McSS_Simple is a diagnostic tool that shows the strengths and weaknesses of the financial conditions of client SMEs.
  • By simple manipulation, CRD members can create "McSS diagnostic reports for management".
  • CRD members can receive an McSS report for consulting with client SMEs, which assists in developing solutions to improve client management.

Features of McSS_Simple: diagnosis of current financial conditions

  • By using McSS_Simple, CRD members can measure a client' s relative creditworthiness and rank them within their prefecture and industry.
  • McSS_Simple shows the strengths and weaknesses of the financial conditions of client SMEs.
  • By using McSS_Simple, CRD members can easily understand income structures (for example, the ratio of cost of goods sold to total sales or the ratio of selling, general and administrative expenses to total sales).
  • CRD members can easily understand the current cash flow structure of client SMEs.
  • McSS_Simple shows the required amount of working capital and the number of years to debt redemption for client SMEs.


Figure: Screen image of "McSS report on management diagnostics", "McSS simulation summary"

The above images were obtained from McSS_Simulation using demo data.
  • McSS_Simulation evaluates the financial conditions of client SMEs using CRD Model (for corporations) and shows the relative position of a client' s creditworthiness using SME data accumulated in CRD for all regions in Japan. McSS_Simulation is a diagnostic tool that shows the strengths and weaknesses of the financial conditions of client SMEs.
  • CRD members can create a "current diagnosis" or a "future simulation (for improved management of client SMEs)". McSS_Simulation contributes to efficient and rationalized planning for management improvement of client SMEs.
  • For ease of use by loan officers and managers of client SMEs, the diagnostic results are presented visually, thus McSS_Simulation is a useful tool for consulting and communicating with client SMEs.

Features of McSS_Simulation

  • By using McSS_Simulation, CRD members can estimate the relative position of a client' s creditworthiness and rank them within their prefecture and industry.
  • McSS_Simulation shows the strengths and weaknesses of the financial conditions of client SMEs.
  • By using McSS_Simple, CRD members can easily understand income structures (for example, the ratio of cost of goods sold to total sales or the ratio of selling, general and administrative expenses to total sales), cash flow structures, working capital requirements, and the number of years to debt redemption for client SMEs.
  • McSS_Simulation evaluates the feasibility of future simulations (plans for management improvement) by analyzing the huge dataset accumulated by CRD.
  • Plans for management improvement made by McSS_Simulation are provided and saved under various scenarios.
  • The differences between planned and actual financial conditions are estimated automatically, thus CRD members can easily manage the plans created by McSS_Simulation.

Examples of uses of McSS by members

  • "CRD member A" uses McSS_Simulation as a communication tool with a client SME when the member visits the client' s office.
  • "CRD member B" provides the diagnostic results for client SMEs and facilitates the data provision of financial statement data by clients.
  • In support of client management, "CRD member C" uses the results of McSS_Simulation to identify client SMEs that require restructuring plans.
  • "CRD member D" monitors the credit risk of client SMEs using McSS_Simulation.
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