Transaction Model

(Deposit Account Dynamic Model,"T-Forest")

T-Forest is an innovative credit risk assessment model that utilizes solely deposit account information, offering a critical tool for efficient credit management. Compared to financial statements, deposit account data is considered more reliable as it is readily accessible and free of any window dressing issues. Introducing T-Forest as a supplement to financial statements will significantly enhance a bank’s credit management practices.

Beyond its role as a short-term screening model, it facilitates the early identification of abrupt bankruptcies stemming from cash flow insolvency. This capability is anticipated to result in enhanced assessment of creditworthiness, reduced lending-related costs, and improved operational efficiency.

T-Forest is a model developed through a collaborative project with Resona Bank.
T-Forest offers three specialized models tailored to unique needs: corporate, sole proprietor, and apartment loan.
T-Forest operates as an independent service governed by a separate paid contract distinct from the services provided to members.

T-Forest is designed to enhance operational efficiency, mitigate costs, and bolster profitability.


No external data from other institutions or financial entities is necessary; information on deposit accounts of customers engaged in transactions within the bank is sufficient for the evaluation.


Conduct precise monthly assessments of the creditworthiness of all customers engaged in deposit transactions.


Easy start by installing the Excel tool on your computer and initiating its use.


Support busy bankers to monitor their clients.


Mitigate the risk of sudden bankruptcies through early detection and prompt action, leading to a reduction in credit costs.


Utilize it as an effective screening model for expanding loans to new clients, thereby augmenting revenues.

Promoting the use of deposit account information held by financial institutions as a cornerstone for DX strategies.
In the era shaped by the challenges of the pandemic, "T-Forest" adeptly supports the efficient monitoring of business partners.

Features of T-Forest

  • Single-Source Utilization: The assessment process will only require transaction data from deposit accounts opened at the financial institution, ensuring the inclusion of all depositors who wish to borrow.
  • AI-based accuracy: Leveraging AI-based models based on big data, T-Forest has been validated at multiple financial institutions and has consistently demonstrated high predictive accuracy.
  • Lower implementation expenditure: T-Forest curbs the expenses by reducing PoC (model accuracy validation) costs, minimizing model development costs, and enabling flexible system adaptation.


T-Forest Model Types


Detail INPUT Series

The Detail INPUT Series comprises a set of models designed for inputting and scoring transaction data categorized into ten distinct types of items. Leveraging this detailed information, the evaluation results are expected to attain higher accuracy.

Simple INPUT Series

A group of models that input and score data in which transaction histories are aggregated into two types: deposits and withdrawals. The burden of data preparation is reduced, and the level of difficulty of implementation is low.

Both series present models designed for Corporate / Private Business / Apartment Loans based on client attributes.

T-Forest assessment results (sample)

Only the Japanese version is available for the moment.


An option to use the Excel tool for mid-term management is also available, with the image above showcasing a segment of the tool report.

For further inquiries or assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

Click here to download the brochure.
* Only the Japanese version is available.

Click here to contact us.

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